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Plain Words - the Documentation and Training People

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Create winning bids on time and with less stress

No matter how organised we try to be, somehow we find ourselves rushing to meet the deadline every time. When we should be at the final review stage we’re still chasing others for their contributions and re-writing stuff that isn’t up to scratch. If this sounds like you, read on to find out how we can help.

Our professional bid writing and editing service provides help when you need it to ensure your proposals and bids are completed to deadline, well-focused and effective.


Even if you had the time to do so, it’s notoriously difficult to edit your own work. But mistakes like inconsistent terminology and formatting, poor spelling, grammar and punctuation can kill a lucrative contract in its tracks. Your clients focus on the mistakes rather than the content and your credibility suffers.

Also it’s all too easy to be vague in your writing or over complex – especially when you are so close to the products or services you sell.

We correct poor grammar, spelling and punctuation and weed out ambiguity and wordiness to make sure your message is clear and effective.


Sometimes a good edit is not enough. As specialists in bid writing we can help you assess whether your proposal would benefit from re-working. It might need to be more focused and organised. Or it might need to be more compelling and persuasive.

If you are short of time or manpower, we can help write your proposal from scratch. We make sure it is tailored precisely to your prospective client's requirements – along with making a powerful case for the benefits of choosing your company over competing bidders.

Whatever level of help you require, we make sure your proposal pushes the right buttons and is written with a positive, confident tone.

Call 01235 60 30 22 or email

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